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A private Jewellers, Birmingham.

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How Do I make an order with you

Get in contact with us and describe your enquiry, we'll discus; repairs, watch services and custom jewellery. You'll receive a quote for your required work before any decisions needs to be made.

Can I send you images of a piece i'd like made?

Yes, we can use images/photos of jewellery and bring them to life alternatively, images can be used as inspiration to build your idea from.

What if i dont know my ring size?

We can post a ring sizer to your preferred address. You can find tips on sizing here

Can you resize old rings?

Regal House offers a resizing service for both tight and loose rings. Keep in mind if you want your ring made smaller, a small section of the ring will be removed to tighten the circumference (this will likely be unnoticeable).

Why are you so much cheaper than Retailers

As Regal House is a manufacturer we don't need to add a retail premium to our goods, often, this can save consumers up to 40% on purchases.

Signet RingsBespoke JewelleryRepairsWatch Services